Daggers and Broads in Honduras

Michelle, Kay and Dave (the "Daggers") joined Helen, Cynthia and Tim (the "Broads", from Oulton Broad, Lowestoft) on a life changing trip to Honduras. After nearly being cancelled due to political unrest in Honduras, God answered prayers and the party left Heathrow on Sunday 1st November. After a marathon 30 trip they arrived at Choluteca, welcomed by Ian and Julie Fawcett. They had an amazing time, seeing the work of the Gran Commission church at Limon and Casa Hogar Vida. They were able to help with preparing the newly built orphanages to receive kids, distributing food and visiting a very poor community near the Nicaraguan border. The prevalence of malnutrition, HIV and AIDS was staggering and they were able to visit the nutrition centre, tortilla factory and coffee making.
Tired and inspired, they returned to UK on 13th Nov, safe and sound
